- 01942 722 600
- Over 20 years experience
Sports massage in Wigan and Leigh
We would like to introduce our new sports massage therapist to the Wigan and Leigh borough. Our fully qualified massage therapist is unique in that she has worked alongside our highly trained physiotherapy team and fully qualified GOs osteopath. What are the different types of massage? The term “massage therapy” includes many techniques. The most
In the Wigan & Leigh area do I need to see a physiotherapist or an osteopath
George Morris Physiotherapy clinic has been established in the Wigan & Leigh area for over 20 years. In addition to having highly qualified physiotherapist we also have a GOsC osteopath on the team. George & members of his physiotherapy team work alongside an osteopath and they understand all the speciality approaches, treatments and techniques,
What is the difference between an osteopath and a chiropractor
Catherine is our resident osteopath at George Morris Physiotherapy Wigan. We are often asked what is the difference between and osteopath and a chiropractor. Based on what we’ve read, is there any difference? Does it matter which you should see? Well, let’s look at some differences Chiropractors Chiropractors aim to help with
Six Signs You may have Sciatica
Lots of things could cause pain down the back of the leg: hips, facet joints, discs, lumps and bumps, endometrial plaques, vascular disease—even, sometimes, on very rare occasions, our friend the piriformis. True lumbar radicular pain, caused by an injury to a lumbar nerve root, is just one among many. 1. backside hurts There is
Wigan osteopath overview
Catherine is our resident osteopath located at our Wigan clinic explains about her profession Osteopaths are primary health care professionals, focusing on the diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal disorders. An osteopath works on the musculoskeletal tissues, including, bones, muscles, joints, ligaments and tendons. The aim of treatment is to increase the mobility of
Top tips and exercises for fixing bad posture and back pain
Exercises to help ease a stiff and painful area in the upper back for people who work at a desk all day. Lye on your front and position your arms out to the side at a 90-degree angle then straighten them above your head. Lye on your stomach, splay your arms out straight to the
Acupuncture in Wigan
Acupuncture is derived from ancient Chinese medicine but is used clinically by our physiotherapist & osteopath to help with both acute and chronic pain relief. Conventional acupuncture involves single-use sterilised needles of various widths, lengths, and metals to pierce the skin at particular trigger points on your body. A trigger point is a tight area
Our resident osteopath explains popping or slipping rib syndrome
VOLUME 5/ISSUE 1 JAN 2023 Catherine our resident osteopath in Wigan explains POPPING OR SLIPPING RIB SYNDROME The rib cage There are twelve ribs located bilaterally from the thoracic spine to the sternum. Seven ribs connect directly to the sternum, three ribs attach via a common cartilage to the sternum and two ribs are
12 tips for preventing sports injuries
We are all aware sports participation promotes physical and mental health, however it can also lead to many sport-related musculoskeletal injuries. These injuries can either creep up on us over time (chronic) or happen suddenly during sport (acute). Whether you take part in sport for competition or fitness, you don’t want to be sidelined with
Lower back pain and exercises for a herniated disk
A person can get a herniated disk through heavy lifting, a sudden pressure on the back, or repetitive strenuous activities. Doing gentle exercises and stretches can help ease the pain and pressure of a herniated or slipped disk. These include gentle stretches such as lumbar rotations, piriformis , upper hamstring stretches and gluteal stretches. Strengthening
The differences between nerve and arthritis joint pain
JOINT pain tends to be associated with arthritis, however it could easily be a sign of nerve damage. Discomfort, soreness and aches can be attributed to arthritis, but nerve pain “can feel like a deep ache, burning pain, shooting pain that sometimes feels sharp”. One of the telling signs of nerve pain is: “Occasionally the